Expectations For Parents and Spectators
(Refer to Rule 7)
1) Always be positive in words and positive in actions.
a.) No foul language.
b.) No negative gestures.
c.) No open critcism.
2) Cheer for your child, not against your child's opponent.
3) Parents and other spectators should have no contact with
with referees or table workers.
4) Stay seated in bleachers. Do not come down to the mats or
to the mat area.
5) Let the coach do the coaching while your child is wrestling.
a) Give the coach time to talk to the wrestler after the match.
b) Never criticize the coach in front of your child.
6) If you have an issue to discuss with the coach, unless it is
an emergency, talk with the coach when the meet is over.
7) Be positive with your child
a) Win or lose, always say something positive.
b) Win or lose always offer a handshake or a hug.
c) Never tell your child he or she lost because of the
coach's decisions.
d) Never tell your child he or she lost because of the
referee's decisions.
e) Always encourage, never belittle.
8) Monitor your other non-wrestling children
a) Know where they are.
b) Keep them safe.
9) Keep winning in perspective.